SBUX Timing

Best timing SBUX, to hold for

The best times to own SBUX (Starbucks Corporation) in the past two years - buying and selling right before market close. The gain is ranked against owning other SP500 component stocks over the same term. For example, Rank #19 in one week means that only 18 of the SP500 stocks did better on their best one week performance over the past year. Updated 2024-12-23T19:25:36.634002+00:00.

Ownership Term Buy Date (@Close) Sell Date (@Close) Gain Rank against SP500s
One Single Day Mon 2024/08/12 Tue 2024/08/13 +24.50% #7
One Week Tue 2024/08/06 Tue 2024/08/13 +27.24% #19
One Month Fri 2024/07/26 Tue 2024/08/27 +33.96% #39
3 Months Fri 2024/08/09 Mon 2024/11/11 +34.39% #192
6 Months Wed 2024/05/01 Fri 2024/11/01 +34.63% #279
One Year Fri 2022/12/23 Mon 2023/05/01 +17.16% #465

Comparing now with the best starting days

Daily status (@Close) 1d gain 1w gain 1m gain 3m gain 6m gain 1y gain
Mon 2024/12/23 (Today) -1.61% -7.05% -15.56% -9.35% +8.97% -7.36%
Mon 2024/08/12 (Best One Single Day) +2.58% +4.29% +2.94% +1.98% -18.70% -22.26%
Tue 2024/08/06 (Best One Week) +2.04% -0.75% -0.89% +4.17% -20.14% -23.29%
Fri 2024/07/26 (Best One Month) +1.00% -6.59% -6.44% -15.45% -19.12% -25.41%
Fri 2024/08/09 (Best 3 Months) -0.87% -1.04% +3.22% -0.03% -22.24% -23.00%
Wed 2024/05/01 (Best 6 Months) -15.88% -16.12% -18.67% -19.79% -17.57% -33.59%
Fri 2022/12/23 (Best One Year) +0.52% -0.57% -1.26% +17.42% +32.18% -10.47%
SBUX Meme SBUX R500 SBUX Word Sense SBUX Best Timing SBUX Holding Strategy SBUX Deja Vu

Not investment advice. Invest at your own risk.

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